When searching for a new home, the possibilities may seem endless. In order to narrow down the choices, it's important to consider the size of home one needs, the mortgage one is qualified for, and the type of neighborhood one wants to live in. Home buying in Woodstock, New York is an exciting experience, and finding the perfect home is possible when you do your research.

Qualify for a Mortgage Before Searching

Finding the perfect home won't mean anything if you can't pay for the home. It's helpful to understand how much one can spend on a house before searching, and pre-qualifying for a mortgage is the best way to find out. When searching, stay within the budget parameters in order to find a dream home. It is never fun to try and stretch a budget…

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It's no secret that selling a home can be a long and drawn-out process, especially in a buyers' market. However, for those looking to sell, it's important to realize that there are many options available when it comes to home selling in Ulster County. Aside from a conventional home sale, there's always the option to sell to an investor. In fact, selling to an investor can help sellers avoid some of the surprising expenses that come along with selling a home the "traditional" way.


For starters, when selling a home conventionally, there's always a need to complete some basic maintenance and upgrades to the home. After all, today's sellers expect a home to be in good shape before they'll even think about putting an offer in. The…

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