Many first-time home buyers have difficulty scraping together that often elusive down payment, but the State of New York Mortgage Agency (SONYMA) offers several programs that can help make home ownership a more attainable dream.

If you qualify – or want to buy a home in specific areas of the state – SONYMA can ease your financial burden with competitive fixed interest rates, low down payment requirements, and down payment assistance. With some of their programs, up to 97% of a property’s value may be financed – and your down payment can be a much more manageable 1% of the home’s value. And, depending on your situation, there are several programs to choose from: SONYMA programs are available for most first-time home buyers, with special…

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Grab your honey and sit under the stars in the Hudson Valley to experience the explosive joy of Independence Day!  Here are a few towns that know how to celebrate in style: 

Saugerties / Cantine Memorial Field, Saugerties  / Saturday, July 4 - Fireworks at dusk (FREE) 

 / T.R. Gallo Park on the Rondout, Downtown Kingston
 (FREE)  / Saturday, July 4. Festivities start at 6 PM and fireworks at 9:30 PM

Windham / Windham Mountain (FREE) / Saturday, July 4, 6-9 PM

And they also offer a sky ride: Could you imagine sitting atop Windham Mountain, watching the stars and viewing 4th of July fireworks and the town of Windham from 3500 feet? $50 Per couple. All Sky Rides must be pre-purchased by July 1st to reserve your space on our…

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Today we get The Real Deal with Jason Jones of Ingrained Building Concepts. Having started out as an architectural student, Jason realized not only is great design a foundation for a successful project but understanding what goes into making that design a reality is equally important. He always takes the time to listen and guide clients through the decision-making process and applies proven best practices to every phase of a job. His goal is to provide a professional experience throughout the entire process from concept to completion.

Lisa Halter: What was your very first project?

Jason Jones: The first job as my own company was a mudroom for a client who trained dogs for a living. The mudroom was truly essential to corral her current dogs…

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Good food and rockin' music have never been at a loss in Woodstock, especially on a Sunday. In the center of town, on the Village Green, every Sunday at 4 PM you'll hear the rhythmic sounds of the Woodstock Drumming Circle. Meander over and take in the colorful scene. If you're so inclined, pick up a drum or get up and dance - that's the spirit of this town! After you experience that burst of freedom - you'll be famished. No worries - we've got you covered. Below you'll find four fab places for a quick bite as you tap your foot to the lingering echoes of one of our favorite community events. #FeelTheRhytymOfTheBeat

Woodstock NY Drumming Circle

Check out these YouTube Videos to really feel the action! 


And Now -…

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